
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pallet garden

 WALT we are learning to follow the design process 

I chose this design because the two designs that I put together looked like I could do it and I did do it all. It was a bit easy to do my prototype because Jada did most of the work I did enough for me to say I added pom poms and some sticks. If my garden was facing the sun it would grow but if it wasn’t it would not grow. Always water them everyday and night. Do you know why you should water them let the sun on them for them to grow so never stand them up always just lay them on the floor to grow monster size so always face the plants at the sun and water them every day and night so don't forget to do most of these things or your garden won't grow like my garden which is huge this is at my house I got a lot of plants at my house you can bullied your own garden at home or just find something that is all reet bult my family used a old spar pool to put plants in. 

1. What did you find challenging? The part that I found hard was to do my prototype. The part that was hard was when I could not stop glueing myself I glued myself more than I glued the sticks. 

2. What was your favourite part? My favourite part was making the prototype. We got to glue sticks to sticks, it was amazing. I could also get a lot of help from Jada. 

3. What could have you done better? I could of have made my prototype better because I did not do most of the work. Jada did most of the work on my prototype. I should have said to Jada that I needed to do most of the work!

What did you like about my pallet garden writing

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